Find the programme and other news of the Prison TB Alliance Meeting below!

Prison TB Alliance Meeting Convenes in Asunción to Address Tuberculosis in Prisons
Asunción, Paraguay, March 19th and 20th 2024
The Prison TB Alliance Meeting took place on March 19-20, 2024, in Asunción, Paraguay, drawing experts and stakeholders from around the world to discuss strategies for combating tuberculosis (TB) in prison environments. The two-day event featured a comprehensive program of talks, discussions, and workshops aimed at addressing both non-medical and medical aspects of TB management in prisons.
Day 1: Surveillance and Management Strategies
The conference commenced with registration and a welcome coffee and tea session, followed by an opening ceremony. The first session focused on "Surveillance and Understanding TB in Prisons," featuring talks on surveillance data and screening policies in Paraguay, an overview of the Paraguay prison system, community health issues related to prisoner health, and risk factors for TB transmission in prisons. A plenary discussion allowed participants to delve deeper into these topics.
After a short break, the second session titled "TB Diagnosis, Management, and Research" began. This session included presentations on the epidemiology and demographic findings of the PriNose Study, the cascade of care in TB management within prisons, and possible screening algorithms for high-risk populations. A panel discussion provided a platform for sharing insights and experiences.
The afternoon was dedicated to workshops focusing on TB programs in Latin American prisons and the translation of research into policy. The day concluded with a plenary discussion summarizing key points from the sessions and workshops.
Day 2: Comprehensive Approaches to TB
The second day started with coffee and tea and some networking. The morning's first session, "Breakdown of Non-Medical Issues: A Comprehensive Approach," addressed environmental conditions influencing TB transmission, prison system reforms with a focus on pre-trial detainees, and the economic impact of TB in prisons alongside the cost-effectiveness of various intervention strategies. A plenary discussion followed, encouraging in-depth dialogue among attendees.
Following a short break, the focus shifted to medical issues with the session "Breakdown of Medical Issues: A Comprehensive Approach." Talks covered prophylactic therapy to reduce TB incidence, active case finding in prisons, and the "ACT FAST" initiative. A panel discussion wrapped up the session, fostering an exchange of practical approaches and innovative ideas.
Participants reconvened after lunch for two final workshops on modeling interventions in prisons and the practical and economic implications of diagnostic interventions. The conference concluded with a final plenary discussion and a closing coffee and tea session, allowing participants to reflect on the meeting’s outcomes and plan future collaborations.
The Prison TB Alliance Meeting highlighted the need for integrated approaches to tackle TB in prisons, combining both medical and non-medical strategies to improve health outcomes for incarcerated populations

TB Prison
Alliance Meeting
We aim that partners from academia, policy makers and authorities will share knowledge, evaluate interventional data and discuss possible future directions, policies and measures to decline TB incidence in Latin American prisons. The two-day meeting will take place on the 19th and 20th of March 2024, You can join the meeting online (send us an email at or at Index SACI in Asuncion, Paraguay.